In my last post, I wrote about a new build system we implemented for Open-Xchange Appsuite UI modules using grunt. We provide a shared grunt configuration for all UI modules in the Appsuite ecosystem. This post should provide some insight on how this shared configuration can be extended to solve problems specific to one project. This might also help a team of developers to work around possible configuration issues, that have not yet been fixed in the shared configuration.
Using External Libraries
One common case, that requires a project to extend the shared configuration, are third party libraries.
Those should be separated from the rest of the source code.
In our case, we don’t even ship them in our repository, but are using bower and
npm to manage external dependencies.
A dedicated grunt task is used to pick up all needed files and copy them together with the sources into the
This way, we can maintain our individual coding style, enforced by tools like jshint
for our code in the apps/
In a module that should make use of the epoxy.js library, the code can be put into
a lib/
directory or bower can be used to provide the sources for the library.
To add this dependency to the bower.json
file, in the root of the module directory we run:
bower install backbone.epoxy -S
This will install all needed files in the bower_components/
directory, which has been added to .gitignore
In order to have it copied into the build/
directory, a configuration file in grunt/tasks/
is needed to provide
custom configuration.
As an example, the file grunt/tasks/epoxy.js
might have this content:
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.config.extend('copy', {
epoxy: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: ['backbone.epoxy.js'],
cwd: 'bower_components/backbone.epoxy/',
dest: 'build/apps/'
We currently don’t have any nice way to directly extend the copy_build
task, which is used to copy
everything needed to the build/
directory of the module.
The grunt --help
command can be used to obtain a complete list of all tasks copy_build
is an alias for.
In the case of the Core UI, this looks like:
jb@wiggum ~/code/appsuite/web/ui (git)-[release-7.6.0] % grunt --help
Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner (v0.4.4)
[… irrelevant output removed]
Available tasks
[… irrelevant output removed]
copy_build Alias for "newer:copy:static", "newer:copy:apps",
"newer:copy:dateData", "newer:copy:themes",
"newer:copy:tinymce", "newer:copy:thirdparty",
"newer:copy:specs" tasks.
[… irrelevant output removed]
Now we override the complete copy_build
task and add the new task to the bottom:
grunt.registerTask('copy_build', [
In the future (v0.3.0 of the shared-grunt-config)
there will be a better way to make it even more easy to ship own third party libraries.
For the copy part of the dist
task, we have found a more elegant way to write this down,
but since copy_build
is much older, it is not implemented, yet.
The solution will be explained later, so at least you get an idea about how it will work.
In order to integrate this with Appsuite, some glue code in the apps/
directory is needed.
Since epoxy needs underscore
and Backbone
to be defined as require
modules and this is not the case within Appsuite, this needs to be done by hand.
We do this by writing a module:
define('underscore', function () {
//return global _ object
return _;
define('backbone', function () {
//return global Backbone
return Backbone;
define('', [''], function (epoxy) {
'use strict';
return epoxy;
This does nothing special but providing the modules in the Appsuite ecosystem.
It’s now possible to add ''
to the dependency list of any other module within your plugin and use it.
Watching more files
Another change you might want to do is to extend the files watched by the grunt watch
For example, we didn’t add the po files to the list of watched files by default.
This is, because watching files is “expensive”, so we wanted to limit the amount of watched files.
If you decide, this would help your project, those files can be watched by creating the file
and adding:
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.config.extend('watch', {
files: ['i18n/*.po'],
tasks: ['compile_po', 'send_livereload']
This will watch all po files in i18n/
and run compile_po
to create the translation modules and after that
send a livereload
command to all browsers connected to your connect middleware (if running).
It’s as easy as this.
The technical solution for this is pretty easy. We have written a small helper method that allows the global grunt config object to be extended. The code is straight forward:
grunt.config.extend = function (key, value) {
grunt.config(key, require('underscore').extend({}, grunt.config(key), value));
It relies on the _.extend
method, but could of course have been written in plain JavaScript.
Since we already have underscore
installed, we made use of it.
While writing this post, I remembered, we added another way to extend certain tasks more easily. This would have been really helpful for the copy_build task, but it is not yet implemented like this. The idea is to prefix all subtasks that belong together and have a simple way to run all subtasks with a certain prefix.
grunt.util.runPrefixedSubtasksFor = function (main_task, prefix) {
return function () {
var list = [];
for (var key in grunt.config(main_task)) {
if (key.substr(0, prefix.length) === prefix) {
list = (name) {
return main_task + ':' + name;
This can now be used with the dist
grunt.registerTask('copy_dist', grunt.util.runPrefixedSubtasksFor('copy', 'dist'));
So in order to have a copy subtask run during copy_dist
, a configuration with the dist
prefix will do:
grunt.config.extend('copy', {
dist_custom: {
files: [{
expand: true,
src: ['share/**/*'],
cwd: 'build/',
dest: 'dist/appsuite/'
As with version 0.3.0 of the shared-grunt-config
something similar will be available for the copy_build
As you have learned, all Appsuite related code is located in the apps/
directory and checked using
An external library can be installed in a separated directory and copied into the build/
directory during build time.
It can have a complete different coding style and won’t interfere with your module.
Some glue code can make it work in the Appsuite environment, so your module can make use of it.
It’s also easily possible to extend the files watched by the watch
task and provide custom tasks that are run if one
of the files changes.
So with a little knowledge of the grunt system, you can do everything you like.
The shared configuration has still some room for improvements, like a more easy way to extend the copy_build
that holds information on which copy tasks to run during build
This has already been solved and implemented for the copy_dist
task and will be implemented for copy_build
, too.
Also our requirejs
configuration can be improved to support usage of third party libraries.
We provide some of our basic libraries through global objects, like underscore
and Backbone
However, configuring require
to serve those objects as shims might be a good idea for the future.
Despite those short comings, extending the shared configuration is possible and quite easy.
Since we are aware of these minor problems, new features to support such use-cases will be added to the shared
config, soon.
Additionally to this post, you might find some parts of the grunt user documentation helpful: